Our Daily Playlists
Playlist Calender
Come On, Let Us Make Your Day!
We've got jazz brewed just the way you like it. If you just happened to have heard a particular song and missed who we told you the artist was or missed hearing the name of the song, we've got you covered. If you remember an approximate time you heard the song, you can look up the tune from our playlist. Our Daily Playlists are posted the next day after the entire day's playlist has been aired the day before. It gets better than that! You can see what songs we played previously during the entire month. Select and Click on the day you wish to view from the calendar and you'll get our entire playlist for that day.
Almost 25% of our daily playlist is the music of our own Homegrown musicians. Almost 33% of our daily playlist is comprised of music considered to be Classic Jazz. Our Jazz Playlist includes Smooth/Urban Contemporary, Jazz Fusion, Latin Jazz, Straight Ahead Jazz, Classic Jazz varieties and music from almost all other jazz sub-genres, including Gospel Jazz on Sunday mornings and the Blues on Monday evenings.
Playlist Calender
April Playlist Calender
Select/Click On The Day (Maroon/Underlined Only), You Wish To View From The Calendar.
April 2024
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6
Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13
Day 14 Day 15 Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20
Day 21 Day 22 Day 23 Day 24 Day 25 Day 26 Day 27
Day 28 Day 29 Day 30
You can help support Jazz 98.5 FM, WSAX-LP, by underwriting one of the programs you hear broadcast here on the station. It's an effective way to reach your target audience while helping to promote the music and information we provide to the local community.
Read more information about Underwriting with us here at Underwriting or Email us at underwriting@myjazz98.com to find out how you can participate.
It's been said that variety is the spice of life. But how can that be true about cable and satellite radio when you're listening to the same songs day after day, with songs repeated several times during the day? Aren't you tired of listening to the same songs day after day, night after night?
If your jazz is all watered down, your hosts are not live and in living color, or you just want to X 'em out of your life, let's be serious and start coloring your world by listening to the Jazz 98 live broadcast web-stream when you're sitting in your home or office computer or tune in your local Jazz 98.5 FM station's over-the-air broadcast on your car, office or home radio and listen to great jazz brewed just the way you like it. You can also use the free TuneIn App to listen on your mobile device.
A Word About Our Programming
We asked listeners to play a role in selecting the types of jazz they like most. In short, we asked how you'd like your jazz brewed. There are over 30 different names given to describe jazz and the sub-genres that have grown out of the various styles that have developed over the years. Listeners completed a survey selecting the various forms of jazz they would like for Jazz 98.5 to play and below are the results.
We gave listeners a choice of 30 styles to choose from with the ability to add a version not listed. Although debated, from a novice's viewpoint, many styles closely resemble each other and because some names actually refer to describing the same sub-genre, we combined the styles into three basic groups. We grouped the various styles together if we believed them to be somewhat similar. The styles were grouped into what some refer to as CLASSIC JAZZ, SMOOTH/CONTEMPORARY JAZZ and the remaining styles into an OTHER JAZZ category.
More importantly, the survey helped confirm our idea to develop our Live Hosted jazz music shows and programming around the different sub-genres. We invite and encourage you to tune into the different hosted shows throughout the week to enjoy jazz brewed just the way you like it and also tune into other shows to allow us to brew another style we're confident you'll discover and enjoy.
Our approach is not any more scientific than we've described. In only one response we received, there was the suggestion that we not play a certain sub-genre ... Don't play this jazz or that jazz, etc. We hope listeners will enjoy the whole jazz experience, be receptive to listening to other styles without condemning the others.
Here's the breakdown of what Columbus prefers
Classic Jazz Styles
Smooth/Contemporary Jazz Styles
Other Jazz Styles Combined
Do the results above mean that Columbus and Central Ohio is a Smooth/Contemporary Jazz kind of town?
You be the judge!
Don't worry, we play it all!
Thank you for discovering us and allowing us to come into your home, office, car and life.
The Jazz 98.5 FM, WSAX Team